Farm Mediation

Every family farm is unique and yet all farming families, including off farm members of the farming family, face the challenge of how the farm is run, how the income and assets of the farm are allocated now and in the future when people retire or die?

Jacqueline can make a private visit to the farm and discuss with you what your requirements are for you and your family.

Any member of the family can bring up the topic of mediation and to have the family participate in mediation to take the opportunity to discuss the dynamics of running a family business, with all the opportunities and challenges that working together brings.

It is about having the difficult conversations that are there under the surface which can be discussed in a safe and respectful manner with a neutral third party being a Nationally Accredited Mediator.

Mediation can provide the forum for communication, so that hopefully a more cohesive and productive environment is available to everyone now and including future generations.

Family businesses can often not reach their full potential or fail because having difficult conversations didn’t take place.

Mediation is more economical than losing the farm or a family dispute after death.

Mediation can also be a conversation about “what are the future plans on the farm”, “What if …….this happens"?

Mediation provides a safe and respectful opportunity to move forward with a potentially better farming/business plan. You are strongly encouraged to seek legal and accounting advice.

Mediation is a positive step for all family members to be able to participate in a conversation that is facilitated by a neutral third party.

All family members will be spoken to in person or by telephone before the mediation. The decisions are then made by the family not by an outside party e.g. in court.

What do I do next?

Please contact Jacqueline Sutherland and she can talk with you about meeting at the farm, in town or other suitable location.

Please use this web site for general information only

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P O Box 3430, Albury NSW 2640 - Mobile: 0428 235 765